Find out a little more about ZUKK, our services and solutions and how can we help you on your journey of growth and digital transformation.

We are a technology boutique, with a presence in several countries, focused on 4 pillars:
  • Geo & Location intelligence (GIS) solutions, Geo analytics and Geo AI
  • Cybersecurity
  • Application Services
  • Workplace
We have a specialized team that works passionately to serve our customers in the main challenges of innovation and digital transformation.
We were born as a technology company focused on Geo location, developing solutions and geographic information systems (GIS or GIS). With this know-how and encouraged by our customers, we We specialize in complementary technologies to support and solve business challenges and problems. Thus, we expanded the our performance for solutions focused on Cybersecurity and allocation of professionals specialized in various technologies, ranging from artificial intelligence, automation, cloud, Internet of Things (IoT) to cognitive technology and User Experience (UX).
Banner who we are

Our core strategy is simple:

  • 1. Work with teams of excellence and high performance;
  • 2. Promover alianças e parcerias estratégicas, com os principais players de tecnologia do mundo;
  • 3. Promote alliances and strategic partnerships, with main technology players in the world.

Our main values ​​are: Innovation, attitude to do happen, integrity and promotion of high impact in the community and preservation of the environment.


Democratize data intelligence with the location variable, generating positive impact on organizations in the dimensions financial, sustainable and social.


To be the main reference in Location Intelligence, recognized for agility and innovation.


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logo Fulcrum
logo ServiceNow
logo openLogic
logo aws
logo microsoft
logo IBM
ícone digital


ícone geo


ícone workplace


ícone application serivce


Foto Digital


What is it?

Zukk as your main partner for your journey of digital transformation. Through its own method, teams specialized skills and technical knowledge, we help you get a initiative or idea of ​​the role. This process has three macros phases:

  • Design Thinking
  • Prototype Development
  • MVP

What does the solution offer?

Throughout the three stages, we co-create together with our customers, through a modern experience, using collaborative engagement. Our multidisciplinary team will conduct an experience that will bring diverse perspectives to analyze each challenge and thus innovate or even We transform your company. Engagements will be shaped for every need, allowing us to explore together the best way to achieve the best results.

ícone depoimentos

Integer sit amet sollicitudin quam. Nam at lacus felis. Proin porta dui interdum convallis. Integer turpis quam, sollicitudin vitae efficitur non.

Sollicitudin ac Magna - Lorem Ipsum

ZUKK is the best company in the world

Jefferson - developer


Jefferson - front-end dev

ícone selo


Qualified professionals

ícone lampada


Developed Projects

ícone estrelas


Satisfied Customers

ícone tecnologia


Mastered Technologies

our clients

logo bayer
logo bradesco
logo control union
logo esri
logo petrobras
logo telefonica

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